
MySQL Database Administration Essential Guide

Grab a coffee, sit back, and learn MySQL Database Administration with TurboGeek MySQL|MariaDB Database Administration and SQL Language Basics In this MySQL Tutorial article, I will introduce you to MySQL Database Administration tasks needed for MySQL. The purpose is to allow system administrators to perform some basic administration tasks before...

azure migrate logo

Migrate VMware workloads to Azure

Migrating Production workloads is a big task. One that requires planning and consideration. If you are taking on an Azure Migrate task as part of your business, be aware that this should be project managed with clear guidelines and goal objectives. Azure Migrate Planning and Assessment Azure migrate is the...

Kusto Query Language

KQL – The Kusto Query Language

The Kusto Query Language, commonly known as KQL, is a powerful query language designed for interaction with Azure Data Explorer (ADX) service. This service stands out as a rapid and scalable platform for exploring and analyzing vast datasets. Microsoft initially crafted KQL for internal use, aiming to sift through enormous...

Grafana Logo

Grafana SSL – How to configure HTTPS

Delve into this step-by-step guide for setting up a self-signed SSL certificate in Grafana. By following these instructions, you can enhance the security of your Grafana server, making it accessible via a secure connection at https://my_grafana_server, all while keeping Grafana SSL in focus. Grafana SSL By default, SSL is not...

Red hat logo

Configure Time with NTP and Chronyd

NTP (Network Time Protocol) is important because it allows computers and other networked devices to synchronize their clocks with a highly accurate reference time source. This is critical for many applications requiring accurate timing, such as financial transactions, scientific experiments, and network security. Here are some specific reasons why NTP...

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Managing Users & Groups in RedHat

Managing Users in Linux User management in Linux refers to the process of creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts on a Linux system. It includes tasks such as creating new user accounts, modifying user account settings, assigning users to specific user groups, and managing user account permissions. In Linux, each...

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