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Everyone can do ML on GCP

Ready-made business solutions, Premade APIs, AutoML, BigQueryML, AI building blocks: ML on GCP The ability to make informed and data-defined decisions is having a huge impact on modern business. Data is quickly becoming the most valuable commodity around, and harnessing the power of cloud computing to unravel billions of lines...

Does Music Enhance Office Productivity?

Music is an art form that has been universally treasured throughout history and in all corners of the world. Everyone has personal preferences about their favorite artist or the type of music they enjoy, some people use music to create a calm and ambient environment, and others are stimulated by...

Navidrome Music Server Front Page

How to Create Your Own Navidrome Music Server –  Just Like Spotify.

With a containerized Navidrome Music Server! Do you want to create your very own private music server? One that works a lot like Spotify? Did you know that you can do all this in Linux? If you create a cloud server, you can share your music in the car with...

Why Is AWS Support So Bad?

I don’t know if it’s just me, but AWS support has gone downhill in recent months and years. To caveat this, please note that I have access to Enterprise support, and we have a technical account manager (TAM), so we spend a lot of money on AWS. The TAM has...

Resource handler returned message: “Unable to complete request: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference”

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I am getting an error in CloudFormation. AWS support has been utterly useless. Possible Fix It turns out this was an Internal Cloudformation issue, fixed by AWS Support allocating more resources to the MongoDB Third Party registry.

How to Remove and Close an AWS Account from Organizations

Creating an AWS Account is straightforward, but there are instances when you need to completely close an AWS Account, especially when managing AWS Organizations or dealing with sandbox accounts. This guide focuses on the systematic steps to close an AWS Sandbox account as part of the leavers process. Are you...

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