
VPC Peering Connection

AWS VPC Peering Made Easy

Most users in AWS have multiple VPCs in their environment, sometimes spanning more than one account, so it’s not very common to have all of your resources in a single VPC in a single account. A VPC is an isolated network, and resources can only communicate from inside each VPC....

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How to enable Raspberry Pi SSH

Enabling Raspberry Pi SSH (Secure Shell) allows you to remotely access its command line interface from another device on the same network. Looking for more Raspberry PI Tips – check out our other Pi Tips. Here’s a detailed step-by-step procedure on how to enable SSH on a Raspberry Pi: Step...

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Default Password for Raspberry Pi (Raspbian OS)

How do I get the default password for Raspberry Pi? Well, its not on the box, and it is not immediately obvious when you burn your Raspbian Operating System To Save you a lot of time, the default password for Raspberry Pi (using the Raspbian Operating System) is: It goes...

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How to Enable Raspberry Pi WiFi

To Enable Raspberry Pi Wifi, running the Raspbian Server involves a few steps. As usual with Linux servers, there is more than one way to do it. I prefer the path of least resistance. Upon downloading and installing Rapbian Server (the non-desktop edition). Step 1: Accessing raspi-config Open the terminal...

What Linux Version or Distribution Am I Running?

As a Linux system administrator, there will be times when you need to determine which operating system you are running and which version of that operating system is installed. Many SysOps only ever create a remote connection to servers over SSH, and if the system is not documented or doesn’t...

How to Enable / Disable SELinux

SELinux, or Security-Enhanced Linux, is a security framework developed to enhance the security of Linux-based operating systems. It closely monitors and controls access to various parts of the system, such as files, processes, and network resources. The Linux Security Framework implements a Mandatory Access Control model. This means it enforces...

How to Master Grep and RegEx

GREP (Global Regular Expression Print) is a command-line tool for searching and manipulating text files. It allows you to search for specific text patterns, called regular expressions, within a file or set of files and perform various operations on the matched text. Regular expressions, or regex for short, are patterns...

Best Linux One Liners

Here is a collection of my favourite Linux one-liners. Linux is such a versatile operating system that you can string commands consecutively to make a command that perfectly fits your requirements. Print Login Session Information Find the last users who have logged onto your system. Let’s break down the command...

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