May 20, 2020

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Understanding Red Hat File System Permissions

This is an overview of everything permissions based. You will learn about How to find file and file system permissions There are a number of different ways to find out file permissions in Linux. Stat command One of my favourite Linux commands is the stat command. Stat – gives you...

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Find Files in Linux (Red Hat)

It doesn’t matter if you have worked on Linux your entire life or if you are a complete noob. Being able to find and manage files in Linux is a skill you will use every day. In this article, You will learn how to: Find Files Finding files is a...

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Grep and RegEx One-Liners

GREP, short for Global Regular Expression Print, is a command-line utility used in Unix, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems. It searches for text patterns or regular expressions within files and directories, enabling users to locate specific strings or patterns of characters efficiently. Regular Expressions (Regex or Regexp) are sequences...

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